

In its deepest sense, our vocation is like a new covenant with God, to abide by his plan for our life. Our foundress strongly invites us to make it the dominant passion of our heart.

A Committed Life

After the example of Mother Saint Louis, we strive to make our hearts receptive to the Gospel. Our attachment to the person of Jesus and to the Congregation sustains our faithfulness and inspires our apostolic creativity to respond to the needs in our local surroundings. We know that Jesus meets people in the concrete situations of their existence. With Him, we become signs and instruments of salvation. The humbling conviction that we are all saved by the unconditional love of God enables us to welcome our brothers and sisters with respect and affection, and to let ourselves be evangelized by them.
Our participation in the teaching mission of the Church causes us to work for the integral and harmonious development of the human person and of a society that searches for meaning, thus we participate in the spiritual quest of all humanity. In our apostolic ministry we especially work with:

  • Youth in the schools
  • Women who live in difficult situations
  • Catechists who give religious instruction in parishes
  • Establishments offering social and medical services

Attentive to the voice of the Holy Spirit who calls us by means of daily circumstances, we are always ready to try new paths. Every call from the world and from the universal and local Church, when in agreement with our charism, is given careful attention.

A Rooted Life

Mother Saint Louis insisted that “Nothing is more essential in Christianity … than that mutual and reciprocal charity.” As Christians, we could carry out our apostolic involvements alone, by ourselves, but we choose to commit to them as a community. We live the mystery of Christ’s death and resurrection concretely in the tensions, failures, triumphs and joys that we experience. We learn to receive and extend forgiveness. The community thus becomes a sign of reconciliation in the world. To the extent that as a community we are united in Christ, we witness to the world that a community of the children of God is possible, by the grace of the Holy Spirit and mutual aid and support.

Would You Like to Join Us?

If you are a young woman reading these lines, and have felt the love of God tugging at your heart, that love that sets free and makes you aware of the needs of the Church and the world; if you feel a call to share our life, you might get in touch with anyone of the sisters who are now involved in our formation houses, be it in Haiti, or Madagascar, in Senegal or in Mexico. Go to the page: “Where we are”, and click on Houses of Formation, and you will find the address that suits you best for getting in touch with one of us.  You, too, might be called to leave all and follow Christ, walking in the footsteps of Mother Saint Louis.

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